Overcoming Addiction Is Possible
You don’t have to do it alone
We offer a Christian-based 12-month residential program for women ages 25-55
Are you ready to overcome addiction?
Do you want to help us help more women?
Active water campaigns that need your help

Our Mission
The Christian Women’s Center exists to provide refuge to women in crisis, believing they can be restored to physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness through Christian discipleship.
CWC is where I found my true self and was the first time I ever felt safe. My heart began to soften from the grace, love, and support I received. I surrendered my life to God. I have forgiven myself and others. I graduated from the program in 2014 and now spend most of my weekends working with the residents at the center. I have a thriving cleaning business and my relationship with my children has been restored, and I have 5 beautiful grandchildren. I am so grateful for this ministry who showed me that I am worthy.
– Dawn
Who We Are
Because of God’s people, like you that are involved with the CWC, women like me are
able to grasp hold that we are His glory and we don’t ever have to turn back or look to
what was. I thank and praise The Lord God for just being God, for Jada and Mama, my
family for never giving up on me, to all the staff and volunteers for believing in me when
I couldn’t believe in myself. Thank you for lovingly supporting, caring and donating to
the Christian Women’s Center, you are the body of Christ. Because of His power I am
well on my way to graduating.
– Crystal
Is today your day for a new start?
Connect with us and let’s begin this journey together.